Senko Hanabi
Photographer-Artist Willem van den Hoed uses hotel rooms as inhabitable tripods. He carefully chooses location, height and orientation of the room from which he observes the city for days, taking hundreds to thousands of tele-zoom details. In his Dutch studio it takes months to forge the photo-details into large hyperreal compositions.
In his guest-lecture at the Tokyo University of the Arts, he will introduce his work and he will present his latest snow-drawings that were created, based on photographs taken from Park Hyatt Tokyo in 2010.
You can reserve a seat by sending an email to
Tokyo University of the Arts
Ueno Campus, Main building
Classroom #5
July 19th, 2023, 14:40
This video would have been the end slide of my presentation if I had finished it earlier.
Now it will be shown in Eindhoven at The Pennings Foundation September 9th October 29th, 2023.